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E intanto, mentre non c'eri...

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Oltre un mese fa, 28-08-2024
I nomi epiceni
Amélie Nothomb

"Non gli passa. È difficile che la collera passi. Esiste il verbo incollerirsi, far montare dentro di sé la collera, ma non il suo contrario. P [...]

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
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La zona d'interesse
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"pensavo, come ha potuto «un sonnolento paese di poeti e sognatori», e la più colta e raffinata nazione che il mondo avesse mai visto, come ha [...]

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
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Il libro delle sorelle
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"Tu che adori la letteratura non hai voglia di scrivere? - Adoro anche il vino, ma non per questo ho voglia di coltivare la vigna."

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Jonathan Franzen


Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 10-12-2020 da
Aggiornato il 19-01-2022 da Morgana
Disponibile in 1 libreria
Inserito il 10-12-2020 da
Aggiornato il 19-01-2022 da Morgana
Disponibile in 1 libreria

It's December 23, 1971, and the Hildebrandt family is at a crossroads. The patriarch, Russ, the associate pastor of a suburban Chicago church, is poised to break free of a marriage he finds joyless--unless his brilliant and unstable wife, Marion, breaks free of it first. Their eldest child, Clem, is coming home from college afire with moral absolutism, having taken an action that will shatter his father. Clem's sister, Becky, long the social queen of her high-school class, has veered into the era's counterculture, while their younger brother Perry, fed up with selling pot to support his drug habit, has firmly resolved to be a better person. Each of the Hildebrandts seeks a freedom that each of the others threatens to complicate.

Universally recognized as the leading novelist of his generation, Jonathan Franzen is often described as a teller of family stories. Only now, though, in Crossroads, has he given us a novel in which a family, in all the intricacy of its workings, is truly at the center.

By turns comic and harrowing, a tour-de-force of interwoven perspectives and sustained suspense, Crossroads is the first volume of a trilogy, A Key to All Mythologies, that will span three generations and trace the inner life of our culture through the present day. Complete in itself, set in a historical moment of moral crisis, and reaching back to the early twentieth century, Crossroads serves as a foundation for a sweeping investigation of human mythologies, as the Hildebrandt family navigates the political, intellectual, and social crosscurrents of the past fifty years.

Jonathan Franzen's gift for wedding depth and vividness of character with breadth of social vision has never been more dazzlingly evident than in Crossroads.

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Editore: Doubleday Canada


Numero di pagine: 576

Formato: BOOK

ISBN-10: 0385693745

ISBN-13: 9780385693745

Data di pubblicazione: 2021

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Jonathan Franzen


Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
Recensioni (0)
Inserito il 10-12-2020 da
Aggiornato il 19-01-2022 da Morgana
Disponibile in 1 libreria
Inserito il 10-12-2020 da
Aggiornato il 19-01-2022 da Morgana
Disponibile in 1 libreria

It's December 23, 1971, and the Hildebrandt family is at a crossroads. The patriarch, Russ, the associate pastor of a suburban Chicago church, is poised to break free of a marriage he finds joyless--unless his brilliant and unstable wife, Marion, breaks free of it first. Their eldest child, Clem, is coming home from college afire with moral absolutism, having taken an action that will shatter his father. Clem's sister, Becky, long the social queen of her high-school class, has veered into the era's counterculture, while their younger brother Perry, fed up with selling pot to support his drug habit, has firmly resolved to be a better person. Each of the Hildebrandts seeks a freedom that each of the others threatens to complicate.

Universally recognized as the leading novelist of his generation, Jonathan Franzen is often described as a teller of family stories. Only now, though, in Crossroads, has he given us a novel in which a family, in all the intricacy of its workings, is truly at the center.

By turns comic and harrowing, a tour-de-force of interwoven perspectives and sustained suspense, Crossroads is the first volume of a trilogy, A Key to All Mythologies, that will span three generations and trace the inner life of our culture through the present day. Complete in itself, set in a historical moment of moral crisis, and reaching back to the early twentieth century, Crossroads serves as a foundation for a sweeping investigation of human mythologies, as the Hildebrandt family navigates the political, intellectual, and social crosscurrents of the past fifty years.

Jonathan Franzen's gift for wedding depth and vividness of character with breadth of social vision has never been more dazzlingly evident than in Crossroads.

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Éntula, il festival letterario diffuso CON la Sardegna

Mens Sana, festival di letteratura sportiva

Liquida, festival di letteratura giornalistica