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E intanto, mentre non c'eri...

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Oltre un mese fa, 05-04-2024
La zona d'interesse
Martin Amis

"pensavo, come ha potuto «un sonnolento paese di poeti e sognatori», e la più colta e raffinata nazione che il mondo avesse mai visto, come ha [...]

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Oltre un mese fa, 05-02-2024
Il libro delle sorelle
Amélie Nothomb

"Tu che adori la letteratura non hai voglia di scrivere? - Adoro anche il vino, ma non per questo ho voglia di coltivare la vigna."


Don Chisciotte
Oltre un mese fa, 23-10-2023
Il delta di Venere
Anaïs Nin

Ma è terribile! Com'è possibile che sia considerato un classico della letteratura erotica?

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Paul Doiron

One Last Lie

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Aggiornato il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Disponibile in 1 libreria
Inserito il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Aggiornato il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Disponibile in 1 libreria

The disappearance of Mike Bowditch’s beloved mentor reveals an ominous connection to a 15-year-old cold case in One Last Lie, the new thriller from bestselling Edgar Award finalist Paul Doiron.

“Never trust a man without secrets.” These are the last words retired game warden Charley Stevens speaks to his surrogate son, Warden Investigator Mike Bowditch, before the old man vanishes without explanation. Mike suspects his friend’s mysterious departure has to do with an antique warden badge that recently resurfaced at a flea market — a badge connected to a cold case from Charley’s past that the Maine Warden Service would rather forget.

Fifteen years ago, a young warden was sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a notorious poaching ring and never returned. He was presumed dead, but his body was never recovered. Mike is desperate to find Charley before he meets a similar fate. His investigation brings him to the miles of forest and riverside towns along the Canadian border—but he soon learns that even his fellow wardens have secrets to keep. And Charley’s past isn’t the only one coming to light; his daughter, Stacey, has resurfaced to search for her missing father, and Mike must grapple with the return of the woman he once thought was gone forever.

Forced to question his faith in the man he sees as a father, Mike must reopen a cold case that powerful people—one of whom may be a killer—will do anything to keep closed.

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Editore: St. Martin's Publishing Group

Lingua: English

Numero di pagine: 336

Formato: BOOK

ISBN-10: 125023509X

ISBN-13: 9781250235091

Data di pubblicazione: 2021

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Paul Doiron

One Last Lie

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
Recensioni (0)
Inserito il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Aggiornato il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Disponibile in 1 libreria
Inserito il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Aggiornato il 25-04-2024 da KaraLettura
Disponibile in 1 libreria

The disappearance of Mike Bowditch’s beloved mentor reveals an ominous connection to a 15-year-old cold case in One Last Lie, the new thriller from bestselling Edgar Award finalist Paul Doiron.

“Never trust a man without secrets.” These are the last words retired game warden Charley Stevens speaks to his surrogate son, Warden Investigator Mike Bowditch, before the old man vanishes without explanation. Mike suspects his friend’s mysterious departure has to do with an antique warden badge that recently resurfaced at a flea market — a badge connected to a cold case from Charley’s past that the Maine Warden Service would rather forget.

Fifteen years ago, a young warden was sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a notorious poaching ring and never returned. He was presumed dead, but his body was never recovered. Mike is desperate to find Charley before he meets a similar fate. His investigation brings him to the miles of forest and riverside towns along the Canadian border—but he soon learns that even his fellow wardens have secrets to keep. And Charley’s past isn’t the only one coming to light; his daughter, Stacey, has resurfaced to search for her missing father, and Mike must grapple with the return of the woman he once thought was gone forever.

Forced to question his faith in the man he sees as a father, Mike must reopen a cold case that powerful people—one of whom may be a killer—will do anything to keep closed.

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Éntula 2024 - dodicesima edizione

Mens Sana 2024 - seconda edizione

Liquida 2024 - sesta edizione